Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pondered upon wooden tables, neutral tiled floors.

There are days like today that I feel so incredibly inspired. 
So inspired that I question every decision. 
I love this feeling;
I want to dress in ballgowns, 
and runway walk down the highway medians. 
Fly a kite among the stars, 
and go Christmas Caroling in this college town. 
Why is experiencing life so inconvenient, almost?
"I couldn't make it to class because I was feeding the wild horses."
Guidelines to living, lets cry the color out of our eyes just because. 
And pour a slab of concrete in the forest, just to leave our hand-prints. 
Because maybe we aren't really restricted. 
Just mislead with insufficient guidelines. 
Guidelines that lead to an unfulfilled life. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Though, one day, my prayer is that we'll find these moments at our feet and the world will still keep spinning when we embark upon them. So glad we could join them. Love you, beautiful!
